Life as seen through the eyes of a displaced cheesehead formerly living in San Francisco now taking on the Pacific Northwest! Put a bird on it!

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Word Travels Quickly

A month or so ago a friend from high school was in town on business. We met up for dinner, rehashed some old times, discussed our parents, the things you do when catching up. In this conversation his step mother was discussed and the lack of communication between them due to difficulties surrounding the settlement of his deceased father. Not an all out war, just some peaks and valleys which are bound to happen when family is attempting to split up things equally and evenly. Eventually I spoke with my mom and she asked if he ever saw his step mom now that his father passed and I said not as frequently as there were some snags due to the pending settlement. All I can say now is that I should have known better and the rule of what you tell someone will eventually end up in the ears of their spouse applies to parents. Apparently my father, who is a gossip extraodinaire, discussed this one sentence with his massage therapist, who then told several of her customers about it, which in turn ended up with my mom being confronted about the entire issue on her way out of church today. Even living 3,000 miles away I can still manage to make a mess in one fal swoop. This is also reason # 1,249 as to why I live no where near them. To note, I have sent an email to my friend apologizing for this blunder and with any luck, he will forgive me. I'm still in awe that my father could have done something so stupid but then again, he never fails to amaze me with his lack of insight to understand the impact of his words and where they can end up.

The past few weeks I have been tuned into Air America, the liberal leftist talk show on the AM dial. Al Franken, Jeneane Garafolo, Randi Rhodes, among others talk about politics that you really don't hear about anywhere else. It is suspected that at some point during the next four years the Republicans will do what they can to get these folks off the air. The bastards seem to be censoring everything else, why not the AM airwaves? What is disappointing is that this station is in 38 cities and of those, the more liberal ones. I suppose it's good business and marketing to go to places where people will actually tune in, listen, and do something with the message. However, where this information is needed most is just where it is not ending up, the conservative "red" states. A vicious cycle? Perhaps. With any luck in their second or third round of marketing there will be enough funding to get the word in places it belongs. Keep your fingers crossed. Oh, and another thing to keep in mind is that sometimes after listening to Air America it can leave you a bit depressed and downtrodden after hearing all the jacked up stuff the right is doing. There is also the fact that any extreme can be just that, extreme. But it is a nice alternative fresh perspective compared to the droning FOX news or things of that nature. Check it out if you can.


Blogger j. ethan duran said...

who would have ever thought your dad to be a gossip hound. go figure. my favorite quote from him, "the one with big he gay!"

10:06 PM


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