Life as seen through the eyes of a displaced cheesehead formerly living in San Francisco now taking on the Pacific Northwest! Put a bird on it!

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

4 More Years of Bush-shit

Today is a complete and utter travesty. The American public (or at least half of it) does not realize that the next 4 years essentially pave the next 20. We now have 4 more years with a man running the country who doesn't know anything about everything and won the country over because 51% of the people saw him as a "regular guy". As my friend Peggy pointed out, I'm not sure I want a regular guy in the Whitehouse. It's a hard job and far more difficult than someone like the Monkey to handle.

Went to bed last night knowing that when I awoke chances were greater that Monkey Bush would in fact have won the electoral college than the United States be cheering on a Presidential Elect Kerry. Perhaps it was the mistake of listening to the exit polls which were indicating it could go in Kerry's favor. Or the sheer hope that the American public would do something to swing the political pendulum closer to the middle as opposed to the far far right. However, the radio alarm went off and sure enough the first words heard was that things weren't looking good in Ohio and the outcome dismal for a young democrat. Thoughts of staying in the comfort of my warm bed with the flannel sheets pulled way up high over my head for an undetermined amount of time (perhaps the next 4 years!) seemed to be the most appealing option. Eventually I arose to face the day feeling beaten, disillusioned, and downright depressed. Who wouldn't be with what is in front of us now. With this ridiculous win, here is a list of things the citizens of the United States have to look forward to over the next 4 miserable years:
  • Vietnam, oh wait, I mean Iraq, will continue to be the mess that it is with no plan for peace or resolution in sight. Troops will die. Veterans will return to a less than accepting United States where half the population didn't think they should be there in the first place. it 1968 again? Am certain my cousin Luc will be sent to Iraq eventually as well.
  • There will be work to be done on the constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. A document as sacred as the constitution is now going to be graffitied by someone like Monkey Bush and marred in such a way that it will discriminate against a specific group of human beings. Do you think the "Fathers of our country" are tossing and turning in their graves?
  • Monkey Bush has the opportunity to potentially appoint not only one but two Supreme Court Justices. These will be chosen on their ability to overturn Roe v. Wade and their savvy in upholding these "moral" issues which got the Monkey elected this time. Never has a woman's right to choose been more threatened than it is now.
  • The United States will continue down the path of global isolation as opposed to unity. George W. Bush has essentially given the rest of the world the middle finger and isn't looking back. There will be no effort to go back to mend broken ties. Monkey Bush said in all three debates that he did nothing wrong in the first 4 years. Arrogance and idiotism. That's what can be looked forward to for the duration of this administration.
  • Gridlock in both the House and the Senate. More Republicans won more seats back. There will be no effort to work towards bipartisan politics. The line in the sand was drawn four years ago when Monkey Bush decided to show just how conservative our country needs to be. Nothing will get done in Washington except a bunch of hootin' and hollerin' that the Democrats just aren't cooperating!

More appropriately named we have become the United States of the Republicans. I am having great difficulty in finding comfort and solace in much of anything which has to do with the events of the past 48 hours. What will be seen is watching the events unfold as Monkey Bush pushes himself further and further into dismay. He's got both feet on a banana peel going no where fast and with any luck people will be willing him out in droves soon enough. Thanks for the migrane and the four more years of Bush-shit.

A sad sad day in history it is.


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