Life as seen through the eyes of a displaced cheesehead formerly living in San Francisco now taking on the Pacific Northwest! Put a bird on it!

Friday, November 12, 2004

War and Sticky Paws for Sammy

The days are shorter, nights longer, and I'm feeling like a walking zombie. I'm with A, this funky funk has got me down. It may be post campaign syndrome. It might be due to the fact that Miss B is in Michigan visiting family and I can't talk to her whenever I want. Perhaps it's the arrival of the rain. It may in fact be that every day I awake to hear the man on the radio talking about the bombardment of Fallujah, the rising body count, as it becomes more clear every day that there is no end in sight. Whatever it is, I feel down, clown.

I have taken to watching The News Hour with Jim Lehrer. When did I become some sort of PBS freak? Since moving into this current apartment and refusing to pay for cable. (That is a WHOLE other story in and of itself however life without cable has turned out to be a gift!) The press conference with Tony Blair (never realized he was a carrot top and he is in fact rather goofy looking although being a redhead has nothing to do with it because as most of you know, I have a redhead problem!) and Monkey Bush was the focus discussing the opportunity to create peace in the middle east with the passing of Yassar Arafat. The most disturbing line of the evening from the Monkey was this after a very brief questioning period by reporters: "We will go in and show them what peace is. They can't develop it on their own. We clearly have to guide the way as they haven't been able to do it themselves.". This appears to be the typical attitude of this administration. To smack their ideas all over the place and abuse their power. Showing them the way may not be in the game for the US at the moment. It may in fact be a more fruitful venture to plan some peace in oh say, IRAQ for pete's sake. Instead, it's a better idea to stir up and serve yet another pot of Monkey Bush peace planning and make sure everyone plate is filled right on up with it regardless of how the host country feels. Pinky and The Brain march on. Where is this going to end?

On a lighter note, Sammy the cat is struggling with the most recent challenge placed upon him, Sticky Paws. This cat has a passion for scratching most everything he can get his mits on. Often times to get my attention if I have not spent enough time with him upon my arrival home, he even takes to utilizing my legs and bee-hind as a scratching post. The boy ain't right I tell ya! This is not such a popular idea with me because it's tearing up the furniture in no time flat. I do not have the heart to have him declawed. It just seems wrong and with my obsession with the orange guy, it's not an option. Sticky Paws are essentially strips of transparent super adhesive double sided tape. This is placed on all the "hot spots" for clawing, with the exception of my legs and ass. Thus far it hasn't worked out so well. The minute it was applied to the furniture he did not claw at it but did think it a good idea to chew it off the couch and attempt to eat it. Sammy does not put his paws on it, that is for certain. Now I merely have bite marks on my couch and kitchen chairs. Let's face it, Sammy wins.

Miss Becky is in Michigan visiting family for Veteran's Day. That is what everyone does, right? She's been gone since Wednesday night and this is the most time we have spent apart in a very long time. It feels really strange not to have her around. It's Friday night. She should be here by now giggling, having dinner, and hanging out for the weekend. I'm not going to fall over and die without her or anything but I most certainly do notice it's downright strange and simply stated, I miss her. Tomorrow we will celebrate our 5 month anniversary. Who would have thought playing badminton in Dolores Park could bring about such wonderfulness like Miss B!


Blogger j. ethan duran said...

happy 5th month anniversary. i think you should have taped your ass and legs. that would have been funny.

5:05 AM


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