Life as seen through the eyes of a displaced cheesehead formerly living in San Francisco now taking on the Pacific Northwest! Put a bird on it!

Monday, November 01, 2004

Family Ties

While driving home from work I dialed my parents to make one last attempt at encouraging them to vote for Kerry, to reason with them, make it personal, to plead a case for equality, and simply ensure at least two less votes for Monkey Bush. It's clear now this was a bad idea and things should have been left to their own devices. For some odd reason there was a need to make it personal. If only they could see how and why it is important for them to hear the other side of the story, not of Monkey Bush. It failed miserably. Dad of course changed subjects the second it came up. There was much discussion about their new kitten, new puppy, the cows, weather, and even the grandkids. Every time the vote was brought up it was a new game of verbal tennis to lob something over to the crazy lesbian court and thow off the discussion. I gave up on dad in a hurry.

Moving onto mom was thought to be easier. She's got some democratic bones in her body. It's not that far of a stretch, she could do it if the facts were presented in the right way. Evidently this is where it all went wrong. The answer of the day as they saw it was that Kerry is far too liberal and he flipflops. (Her words exactly which in essence are that of one of the 5 sentences Monkey Bush has utilized throughout the campaign.) I then attempted to make it very personal in discussing the amendment to the constitution that Monkey Bush desires to pass, banning gay marriage. A vote for Bush is a direct vote against me and people like me whom have chosen the alternative lifestyle. Mom said she had never heard of such a thing, and how could this be true. My thoughts exactly (with a completely different and sarcastic view) but this shit is real and she's not having any of it. The parental units have completely bought into the moral majority, fear of everything, conservatively "r" us campaign of the Monkey Bush cronies. I'm really hoping that it isn't the votes of two dairy farmers in Wisconsin which keeps that drone in the Whitehouse.

What I do understand is that everyone is entitled to their opinion. Anyone can vote any way they choose, it's really all about making the vote you have count. So with that, get out and vote! I am truly disappointed in those whom do not see the Monkey Bush administration for what it is...lies upon lies upon lies upon lies. Mind you, politics is not the "cleanest" business on the planet but for crying out loud, anyone can see a crook, can't they? Apparently not.

I'm nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof. But at the same time thinking positive thoughts of what I want to be real and true. What is that? Someone in the Whitehouse other than the Monkey. Let's hope the power of suggestion works this time...more to come tomorrow!


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