Life as seen through the eyes of a displaced cheesehead formerly living in San Francisco now taking on the Pacific Northwest! Put a bird on it!

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Ten Minutes Per Day

While at a Q&A session post book reading by Augsten Burroughs, an aspiring author asked him for words of advice. Augsten suggested that no matter what, above all else, to write at least 10 minutes per day. Even if it is writing about the gum you saw stuck to the sidewalk, by all means, write. This spurred thinking surrounding what kinds of things I do during a day and how long they take, and if it is more than 10 minutes. So what's on the list, day in, day out? (note, the things listed here are events which are done for a solitary 10 minutes, no multitasking allowed, this and only this activity therefore things like eating lunch or drinking coffee are things I do not do on a single basis--lunch is spent milling through emails at work or problem solving and coffee is consumed while driving to work) Hot shower, cooking dinner, writing in this blog, reading E and A's blog, and that is about all I can come up with in terms of spending a solid 10 minutes doing one thing and one thing only. Hm. Is this a sign of ADD? Is this a sign that most time is spent multitasking? Wow. I thought I would have a bigger list.

Met a guy last night who spent 20 years trying to get off the junk. His story was of heartbreak, terror, crime, alcohol, living on the streets, violence, and suicide attempts. How do people walk away from this kind of stuff? What is it that hits them over the head when they have become this far gone to say "I really need to change this." and they do. It's quite an inspirational story and makes my life seem that much less complicated. Correlation? He also stated he writes ten minutes per day. How about that.

My special lady surprised me with a visit last night. The deal was on Sunday that we would not see one another until Friday when we head up to the Russian River area for a little R&R. How delighted I was to snuggle up with my sweetie. Sammy however was not so thrilled as when Miss B stays over, he usually retreats to his chair. Snuggling up with Miss B, now there is something I could do for sure at least 10 minutes per day.

Tonight is yogurt and then home to pack for heading up north. It's time to bust out the flannel and become woodsy for the weekend. Can't be a lesbian in Guerneville without one!


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