Life as seen through the eyes of a displaced cheesehead formerly living in San Francisco now taking on the Pacific Northwest! Put a bird on it!

Monday, October 18, 2004

Goats: The Pesticide of Choice

The city of San Francisco has purchased hundreds of goats to alleviate hillside rubbish. The goats are set loose to graze in areas which are too difficult to reach with machinery. This also avoids the use of harsh chemicals to somewhat kill weeds, thistles, and brush which otherwise would have been put to death via pesticide. Another added benefit is that the goats can take out brush which takes several hours for a human to take out. Goats can do it in a matter of minutes to that of hours/days of beautification crews. It's rather innovative for the city don't you think? The only other time I have ever heard goats being used for this was once again, in The Gambia. They were utilized and housed at the international airport (which essentially was one landing strip and had so many pot holes it's amazing it remained open for travel) to keep the weeds down on the runway and surrounding area. These goats were often killed by incoming planes as the men in charge of the goats were often on their attay tea breaks when they should have been tending to the animals. The goats haven't been sighted in Bernal Heights since taken away on Sunday in a big truck. I don't know if this was just temporary housing and when they will be back. Where are they now? Twin Peaks? Ocean Beach? Nob Hill? All this was learned while standing in line at Cafe Commons awaiting a latte Sunday afternoon. Of course Soonae, the coffee shop owner had heard about the goats from Miss B earlier in the day and she felt compelled to ask me about it which then got the crowd buzzing about the goats. Apparently I was not the only one confused. A keen eye will be on the lookout for future goat sightings.

I have been going to acupuncture for about a month now to treat a bonespur on the heel of my left foot. It's a big calcium deposit which presses on my muscle and hurts like the dickens. The spur was discovered in 2000 after a nasty spill down a curb when making my way into work, resulting in a twisted ankle, a trip to the emergency room, x-rays, and a cane to aide in walking for a short period of time. It didn't begin to hurt/cause problems until my trip around the world last fall. Came back, went to a poditrist, he prescribed orthodics and stated there was nothing else to do short of surgery and to find alternate modes of exercise. Since then, the orthodics don't really work and it got to the point where it hurt to even put on my shoe. Acupuncture? Why not. What this entails is three huge needles to be jammed into the sole of my left foot. Then electrodes are hooked up to send a mild current into them to bust up the calcium deposit. Since starting this treatment, the spur has gotten smaller and it simply doesn't hurt unless I really press on it. (So don't do that!) Today was the first day I have gone running in over a year where it did not hurt. Mind you, I am super slow and only made it for 25 minutes. It's more than I have been able to do in a very long time and am cautiously optimistic that this may in fact be what works. The true test will be upon waking in the morning to see if a pain shoots through my foot and sends me screaming in pain. However thus far, it's a greenlight.

Michael Moore was on Fresh Air tonight, a program on NPR. It's frightening how much of an NPR addict I have become during these very political times. It's what is on in the car to and from work. If I could concentrate with it on at work it would be there too. The topic was the film Fahrenheit 9/11, the Bush campaign, and the country being so split. He actually wasn't all Michael Moore about it. His agruments were not so bleeding liberal as they were simple facts. Seemed to be more effective and captivating than the other side of the rhetorical baloney otherwise touted on his behalf. Don't get me wrong, people like MM need to be out there to challenge the idiotical Republican party. However, this program was presented in a way that I feel people will listen and won't feel like he's lecturing them or going too far left. What was taken most from this Fresh Air program is his statement about the country not necessarily being politically split. The statement about how it's just more apparent now is true. Liberals are finally standing up and choosing to show opposition rather than sitting by, shrugging our shoulders to the Republican party and conservative agendas alike as if to say "Eh, whatever, we know we are right!". Liberals are speaking up, not taking it any longer. Most of all, I hope these hidden liberals get out and vote to show just how mad we are and do something about what's going on in the world. I really really hope Michael Moore is right when he says there is no way, no how there is going to be another 4 years of Monkey Bush.

The wrap up tonight is to take a quick hot shower and hop into bed. One thing which is difficult to get used to now that I have been dating Miss Wonderful Becky is sleeping alone. With her teacher schedule, it's lucky if we get to spend one night during the week together. I am quite spoiled on the weekends however. No one is there to warm the bed up. No one to snuggle up with and spoon. No one's chest to drool on. OK, maybe that part isn't so great for her but the thing is, she doesn't seem to mind! I didn't really like to share my bed before. Now I can't settle down to sleep easily without her here. Hm. I must like this gal or something...anyway....winter is on it's way. The days are getting shorter and shorter and it's darn cold in the morning. We had our first sets of gusty rain storms over the weekend. Indian summer is over. Get ready to hibernate. I bought a new pillow. I'm ready, are you?


Blogger j. ethan duran said...

the goats are dumb. they left because they saw you eyeing them. what's next for you a goat coat.

10:53 PM

Blogger Prattlepants said...


5:20 PM


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