Life as seen through the eyes of a displaced cheesehead formerly living in San Francisco now taking on the Pacific Northwest! Put a bird on it!

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Tumultuous Times

It appears there is a whole lot of swirling around of the world going on in many many forms. Relationships thought to be solid and on the right path taking odd turns, people trying to find their way as they are newly found single, the Friday night fight of Kerry vs. Bush in the last round of debates, war, war, and more war, and finally, folks embarking upon new careers which seemingly engulf them not intentionally however overwhemlingly so. I am not directly involved with any of the above but have been on the outskirts of these various events in one way or another. It feels somewhat like standing on the edge of a cliff near the ocean seeing the depths below, churning, crashing, and stirring as unsettled waters do. There is a level of intensity to these tumultuous times which is far more apparent. Could be the change of season. Could be the extra latte intake today. Could be the sprinkling of grey hair found whilst looking in the mirror this evening while getting ready for bed. Perhaps it has something to do with those dang steps. For whatever reason, there is something in the air.

Did you happen to see Monkey Bush on Friday night? He was more aggressive and sputtering than the debate previously. At one point in the evening he put the strongarm on the moderator and simply ignored the rules to overtake and refute a point Kerry made about going to war alone and isolating ourselves from the rest of the world. Monkey Bush, in his obtrusive stance and heated tone blew up at Mr. Kerry, the moderator Charles Gibson, and everyone watching. The audience was taken aback appeared shell shocked with his reaction, as did many parts of the world. However, I fear in other parts it was seen as Monkey Bush being a "strong leader, smart debater, and polished speaker by his ability to take over the situation". What this aggression showed me is his inability to be diplomatic in any sort of situation. Imagine him interacting with other world leaders whom don't agree with his view of the planet. "What's that you say there Frenchie? Why don't you go eat some more of your freedom fries and shut the hell up! I'm going to war with or without you!". My friend A has a good idea. She's thinking Monkey Bush will win so therefore if he does, she won't be so disappointed. If Mr. Kerry wins, she gets to be that much more excited. Please please please let Miss A be really really excited on election night results time! I'm banking on it. If people have any sort of brains at all, there will be no Monkey Bush in 2004 or beyond.

What is good about all of this is that people are talking. They are talking about voting, the issues, and with any luck at all, this will be the largest voter turn out EVER. If we learned anything last time, it better darn be. Please vote and look beyond the Monkey Bush. Unless of course you are enjoying this monkey business that is now in front of the world.

On a lighter note, my girlfriend made the best dang kuchen today for breakfast. It's basically german coffee cake. Holy moley, it's dang good. Picture chocolate, sugar, walnuts, all mixed together baked up in a yummy cake with powdered sugar on top. There ya have kuchen. She's just the best dang thing going. And not just for her baking abilities either. Miss B is, to sum it up in two words--absolutely lovely. I don't think there is any possibility of getting any luckier than with this girl. More posts about Miss B to follow.

Goodnight and god bless america. (If you don't understand the sarcasm there, ask me to explain sometime and I most certainly will.) I'm just following the lead of the Monkey Bush. Monkey see, monkey do.


Blogger Prattlepants said...

darling - i hate to be the school marm of the group but i believe it's Kuchen you would be refering to as that very tasty breakfast treat. methinks kookin is someone who has neglected the recommended dose of medication - better left alone and NOT eaten for breakfast. cheers!

1:43 PM


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