Life as seen through the eyes of a displaced cheesehead formerly living in San Francisco now taking on the Pacific Northwest! Put a bird on it!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Serene Saturday Morning

I'm the fill in for Miss B at the yoga studio today. She usually checks folks in at the door and instead it's me. After a few minutes of struggling with the software, all was good and I eventually got it all straightened out but do think I ended up accidentally giving a guy a free class. Whoopsy. The office manager has assured me she can fix anything which goes wrong so I will keep the faith that she can hold up to her promise. The true test will come at the 11am class where loads of folks come to see the "Cher" of yoga, Katchie. An incredibly amazing woman with a seductive story to tell every time. Just like Cher. Without the glitter. But plenty of gays following her around. True story.

Road bike to yoga class this morning. Usually I meander around the kitchen, doing a little work, read the news on the internets, drink coffee and then eventually make it to class. But on my bike at 8:15 am is usually not something I routinely do on a Saturday and you all know how I like the routine. There is no one out and about in the Mission that early. I had the road to myself and made it here in minutes flat. There weren't even any buses to contend with, just a few little old ladies on their way to Safeway to get the deals that came out in the new flyer in yesterday's paper. Amazingly quiet and serene. Such a refreshing way to start the day compared to what it's like during the week. Mind you no one is out when I leave the house at such ungodly hours these days but it's a different feel for me, being rushed all the time. Guess that is why it's good from time to time to break from the routine to see the nuances which can be presented when attempting something as simple as this at a different time of day.

Let's talk politics for a minute, shall we? Pointedly, Monkeybush. Last week there was all the hullabaloo regarding missile launches in North Korea. Don't get me wrong. Should the world be concerned? YES. Should we be sending in someone like the Monkey to negotiate and discuss matters? NO. Favorite quote of the week was when he was interviewed and stated "Well I am looking for diplomacy and to negotiate this situation in a very diplomatic manner. It's what America stands for, diplomacy." Once again using words that could have very well been on his "word of the day calendar" and he merely got lucky that day seeing as it was a word which actually fit the situation in front of him. Other words found on his calendar this year....well let's see....he's used "terrorist" frequently. "Freedom" must have been one! And let's not forget his love of the word "evil". I'm thinking that wasn't only a word of the day but a word of the month which requires extra depth and understanding which translates to Daddy Bush sitting him on his knee reviewing the phonetics and Greek roots and so on. Let's not forget Junior really can't read either. So I guess Mamma Barbara or his trophy wife Laura have to read to him over breakfast before his daily bike ride. Anyway, after one day of negotiation with North Korea and Iran, his response and report out to the press was that "I am frustrated with diplomacy.". Well now that didn't take long, did it? It could very well be that he also struggles with ADD and simply couldn't pay attention during "negotiations" as he cares to term it. How many more years do we have to put up with this village idiot? Oh, I did see a fantastic bumper sticker the other day as well. There were the initials WTF and a picture of the Monkey right next to it. It's clear as to why his approval rating is a whopping 32%. And becoming even more clear all the time.

Onto happier things. Last night Miss B and I went out for fancy sushi. I'm not a huge fan of it. Will agree to a meal here and there however Miss B could eat it at least once a week. So I thought to compromise and take her out for the good stuff. Went to a place over in Noe Valley (well on the cusp of Glen Park but guess it could very well be considered Noe) called Deep Sushi. It was so good! This one we got called the UFO even got seared right at the table for us and I had never tasted anything so fresh. We have been there before and enjoy it every time. Also got a warm container of sake and it was super yum. To walk it off when we were done a trip to Mitchell's Ice Cream was in order and I got the most decadent Rocky Road waffle cone dipped in chocolate. Mind you I could only eat half of it but it sure was good! Mitchell's is always a special place for us to go as on our first outing (post badminton in the park and a trip to the Lexington) we ended up there sharing a rocky road cone and flirting our pants off. Well actually our pants stayed on for several dates but eventually did come off, thank goodness. I Mitchell's. Good stuff!

Will be going to the east bay today for a little while and then back into the city for a dinner with Hot Bottom Rob and his special man friend in their new pad in SOMA. Looking forward to it. They are always so much fun and we also get to hang out with A and her special lady. Picked up this "Green Trout" wine which looks pretty good to share. Should be fun. Am doing my best to make sure that I do not think about work this weekend unless I have to do so. And they will call me if I do. I can tell you right now there is no way I can be a Jelly Doughnut Manager for more than two years. I simply can't take it. It's too much pressure and not much fun. And who likes that? Not me.


Blogger j. ethan duran said...

pudding makes me want to take off my pants. i should open a pudding place.

7:37 PM

Blogger dac said...

bannana puddin'

6:50 PM

Blogger hez said...

no more veganism?

hahahha banana pudding.

10:16 AM


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