Life as seen through the eyes of a displaced cheesehead formerly living in San Francisco now taking on the Pacific Northwest! Put a bird on it!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

What am I....nuts?

The FDA is visiting the jelly doughnut factory this week. What this means? Everyone is running around like chickens with their heads cut off demanding this and that and no work is getting accomplished. Mind you we are amidst changing over from making jelly filled doughnuts to glazed and chocolate covered which means "business as usual" must come to a halt. Bottom line--planning and scheduling is made even more difficult as there are certain types of work which can be performed, other types which must only take place on the off shifts which really do need to happen today. Result = being behind schedule for the glazed and chocolate covered doughnuts start up. Who gets hammered? Me and my staff. And not hammered in the drunk alcohol sense either. What are ya gonna do. When big brother is here you gotta do what you gotta do. They are to be gone by the 15th. Cheeses is lard I can't wait until it's over.

Am amidst another cleanse. This is an ayeurvedic cleanse we are doing as part of a workshop being held at the yoga studio Miss B and I attend. It's more of a "middle path" cleanse in that you don't do something like the "master cleanse" which is 10 days of lemon water, this funky
drink, and that is about it. In the morning we drink juice blended with this stuff called superfood and water. There has to be seaweed in it and the first morning I sincerely thought I was going to barf all over the table. It's gotten better as switching to apple juice as opposed to cranberry made a significant difference. Then it's a small bowl of quinoa with honey and it's off to work. For lunch and dinner a dish known as kitchari (mung beans and rice) is consumed with lots of vegetables cooked with it. Snacks consist of a pear in the afternoon and some raw almonds after dinner. But that's it. No milk, cheese, bread, or burritos until Sunday night. The hardest part thus far has been lack of sugar. I was a sincere grumpus on Monday after work and poor Miss B took it all in stride. It is amazing what changing the regular routine magnifies and shows what habits and practices one just gets used to doing. What is good is that this is only temporary and I will return to eating milk and cheese, probably just not as often. It should be easier to take a step back from sugar also. With this diet there has also been a lot of yoga and running to go with it. We will also be receiving a consult from an ayeurvedic doctor who is leading the workshop. Based on some questions and body type, he will suggest the best foods for me to eat to get the most out of my food. Could result in some significant changes in my eating habits. Which is ok seeing as growing up we did have dessert after EVERY meal. Even breakfast. Cake for breakfast? Yep, nothing strange about that in the Lohr household.

I have also been studying my buns off for the APICS exam on Friday. I have to be in Oakland no later than 0730 to take a 120 question test which involves math and formulas. I got a 95% on the practice test last night but fear it's due to the fact that I have taken it 800 times and just know the answers. I have also read the book from cover to cover and reviewed the vocabulary terms over and over. I'm just not a student. Never was. After this one, only 4 more exams for the year to go. Goodness gracious, what am I doing?

A and I did see JEthan's twin at the wildside west the other afternoon. He was a spitting image, voice and everything although not nearly the fashion sense which our JEthan possesses. Made me miss him a whole bunch. If everything goes well, Shortcake and I will be visiting him in September or October. We shall see! All depends on how the house pursuit goes.


Blogger j. ethan duran said...

i love cake for breakfast. and whats this about about a twin?

6:17 PM


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