Life as seen through the eyes of a displaced cheesehead formerly living in San Francisco now taking on the Pacific Northwest! Put a bird on it!

Monday, May 09, 2005

R.I.P. Little B, Thieves Invade

On my 36th birthday I received a beta fish from Miss B. He was the first fish I have ever owned. It was fun setting up the bowl, rocks, and wizard figurine. The gift was inspired by our trip to Hawaii and my passion for scuba diving and snorkeling while there. I liked having a fish much more than I anticipated. There was something therapeutic about watching something swim around and float in a small bowl. I named him Little B because he was a little beta and due to the fact that Miss B gave him to me.

Saturday morning it was noticed that the fish bowl was a bit murky and it would be in the best interest of our aquatic life to clean it up and make his home presentable again. Ran some errands, came home, unloaded groceries and cleaned the bowl. Seemed everything was in order and the transition to the new water was going well. Every time the cleaning cycle happens I get freaked out thinking the water will be too warm or cold, in turn sending Little B to the aquarium in the sky. His post is on the kitchen table getting morning sun and this day was no different as he was swimming feverently around in his clean abode happy as any fish could be. Little B likes lots of sunshine and warmth and this day was giving him all that and then some so I thought it would be a good idea to top the bowl off with extra water. Keep on swimming, keep on swimming, just like Dorie in Finding Nemo. This was the last time I saw Little B happy in the bowl. I got dressed for a run and off I went thinking nothing of what I would find upon the return to the kitchen.

There are two theories as to what may have happened. The world's most mischievous cat, Little Green, either climbed up on the table and scooped him out of the bowl for entertainment or he decided to make a break for it and jump out of the bowl himself. At this point I have no idea what to suspect and I guess it doesn't really matter. When I got back in the house Little Green was tossing him from side to side with her paw and he was covered in cat hair. I quickly scooped him up from the floor, rinsed him off and attempted fish CPR. He came back to life and began quick, shallow breaths sporadically. I placed him back in the bowl and he struggled at the bottom of it holding on for dear life. Thought it might be a good idea to place him in a confined space so I prepared a special glass for him but it was too late. A few hours after the whole ordeal, his insides became his outsides and Miss B flushed him. I said goodbye and thanked him for being a good fish.

Now the bowl is sitting empty on our kitchen table. Perhaps I will get a new one sometime soon and I never thought I would get so attached to a fish. It was difficult this morning to bypass the feeding of the fish routine seeing as there was no fish to be found. Thanks for hanging in there while you could Little B and hope you didn't have to suffer for very long.

On another note, I am sharp as a marble today. Went to the Thievery Corporation concert last night at the Wharfield. At first when tickets were purchased I was a bit upset that we were stuck in the balcony with the seats. However, after the marathon of Cochella and it being a Sunday night and all, the seats were a welcomed treat where Miss B and I did our fair share of chair dancing which fit the bill. All sorts of white folks were getting down all around us in the same fashion. This was seriously the whitest concert I have ever been to. No people of color whatsoever which was rather shocking as the Thieves are considered world music. At any rate, they tore the place up and it was a fantastic show. Would see them again in a heartbeat! Funny thing was there were all these announcements about how there was "no smoking" in the venue however as soon as lights when out the weed was broken out and everyone got hhhhiiiigggghhh sooooo hhhiiiiggghhhh! Contact buzz? Perhaps!

On one more note, it was a year ago today that I met Miss B in Dolores Park. I was being shy gal as was she and asked me to be her "Friendster" that evening. It's all history from there....


Blogger j. ethan duran said...

poor little b. little did he know he would oneday be a cat toy…

8:33 PM


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