Life as seen through the eyes of a displaced cheesehead formerly living in San Francisco now taking on the Pacific Northwest! Put a bird on it!

Friday, March 11, 2005

Prom Night

It's prom night! The Procrastinator's New Year's Eve is tonight. Miss B is napping while I get dinner prepared. Nothing from scratch this evening. Making a stroll to the taqueria for some burritos. Yum with a capital Y.

Miss B picked up her dress and it looks phenomenal! So very pink. I also did some calling around this morning and found a place that does wrist corsages. They put together the loveliest pink orchid with pearls combination ever seen! B was also nice enough to pick up some Aquanet and a comb so the mullet wig can be whipped into shape. As of this moment it looks like something from the wild that Daniel Boone would have touted. Or maybe it is...

So difficult to concentrate at work today. Everyone was scattered as spring has arrived. It was mid 80 degree weather today which happens a few times a year in San Francisco. Not a cloud in the sky and the air is so fresh! Had to come home and open up windows because it felt like an oven in the apartment. The cats have been parked in the hallway soaking up the cross ventilation to cool down their little furry bodies. With any luck this will last throughout the weekend and we can get out and enjoy! Yee haw for spring!

Oh, and I've been saving myself for prom night. Finally the time has arrived to be deflowered! :)


Blogger j. ethan duran said...

i hope you lose it the back of a car. how romantic is that.

9:47 PM


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