Life as seen through the eyes of a displaced cheesehead formerly living in San Francisco now taking on the Pacific Northwest! Put a bird on it!

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Sometimes it's ok to Follow the Crowd

Christmas day Miss B and I were in the Place of Refuge, Hawaiian sacred grounds, where perhaps the best snorkeling on the Big Island was to be had. Some locals sent us in this direction and their recommendation lived up to the high marks given. Upon our arrival we found several other tourists had heard the same thing and it was somewhat crowded. Trekking across the small tide pools and molten lava, a spot was secured, sun screen slathered on, and it was off to snorkel! First time all trip seeing as when we were in Kona the beaches were closed due to extremely high surf, evidently this happens every year around Christmas.

Several people had found a good spot to enter the ocean off the lava reef. It appeared to be a bit of a wait to maneuver into the water through the crowd. Miss B suggested we walk over and take our turn at waiting to take the big dive. Of course, possessing the patience of a 3 year old child, I suggest taking an alternate path right near where we have set up camp and go for it. The water was an inviting crystal clear blue and hopes were high that sea turtles and dolphins would be found to swim amongst. Eager to get in, I slowly began to walk on the anemone covered reef made very quickly aware that there were also prickly sea urchins stabbing into my feet if steps weren't maneuvered with extreme caution. If I had gotten dressed that morning and put my patient pants on, I would have immediately turned around, taken the extra 10 minutes to walk over where everyone else was and waited to get into the ocean. Did that happen? No. I pushed on further and Miss B was now behind me discovering the same uncomfortableness and trickiness in making our way to the fish. From out of no where a very strong wave slapped up and over me pushing me right into Miss B so I took her out at the knees and drag her down with me. At this point, neither of us can stand up because the tide is too strong nor can we swim because it's too shallow and if we aren't careful, we are going to end up with a face full of sea urchin tendrils. We got tossed around here and there a few more times causing more damage to the sea life on the reef and to our bodies. Eventually we make it into the water where it's noticed the bottom of my foot is bleeding profusely. It had gotten cut very deeply on the coral amidst the twisting, turning, and falling involved previously. We also both noted that the sea urchins had won and were sending us home with several of their prickers stuck in our feet, arms, where ever they could attach. Swam around for a while, saw some amazing fish, coral, divers, other snorkelers, and then it occurred to me, sharks are attracted to blood. Apparently Miss B was thinking the same thing. I attempted to act all smooth and say, "You know, I should probably get out and check this thing." when all I really wanted to do was get out of the water to ensure JAWS wasn't on his way.

No sharks ever turned up and we did go out for another round of snorkeling which was phenomenal. However, my foot did continue to bleed profusely and it put a damper on some of the hiking we did later on in the vacation. The cut is still healing now and yesterday was the first time a big huge bandaid wasn't warn in a very long time. Lesson here? When snorkeling and it's obvious there is a good place to enter the water that everyone appears to be using, it might be a good idea to follow suit. If you would like to see what sea urchin tendrils look like stuck in skin, just let me know. Looks as though my body is stuck with a few of them for life!


Blogger Brad Williams said...

Reminds me of the time I dislocated my shoulder and then was lucky not to drown while trying to "boogie-board" on a kiddie beach on Oahu.

11:51 AM

Blogger FreundinN said...

Ouch P that hurts!! But I am glad you got to snorkel some more without jaws finding you!

12:25 PM

Blogger j. ethan duran said...

p.p.p. see what happens when one is too eager to get in the water. i'm glad to hear you only suffered a cut foot. trying to walk through the urchins is sort boggie boarding with the jelly fish. you're destined to get stung.

9:22 PM


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