Life as seen through the eyes of a displaced cheesehead formerly living in San Francisco now taking on the Pacific Northwest! Put a bird on it!

Thursday, June 09, 2005


Monday I was on my run around Holly Park to train for the upcoming PRIDE run put on by the San Francisco Frontrunners. They are the GLBT organization whom organize weekly runs of all varying distances. This is the next race Miss B, the Bear in Training, and myself are going to indulge ourselves. It's the same trail as our previous "race" and should be much more enjoyable than the snobby runners crowd we found ourselves surrounded with last time. It's June 25th. Wish us luck! At any rate, while on the last lap around I saw a gentleman come around the corner of Holly Park and Highland carrying two 40 ouncers in a brown paper bag, something from Burger King, and a full on weight bench on his head. It was fully assembled, even had the leg lift function which kept swinging back in forth in the high winds of the afternoon on the hill. He continued to walk down the middle of the road, cautiously over the speed bumps as not to drop anything or stumble. At the same time he was mumbling gibberish of which I couldn't understand at the top of his lungs. Something like "@#$% will show %&**@ a thing or two...." and so on. As the last turn was made I caught a glimpse of him still trudging up the hill swaying from side to side from the wind and perhaps too much of whatever it was in his system. For the cool down I walked one more lap around and caught up to him. A car pulled up behind and could go neither ahead or to the side due to cars parked along the street and park as well as being on a blind curve. The man carrying the weight bench did not move an inch and clearly knew there was a car behind him. The guy in the car mouthed the words "What the f#$k!" and smacked himself on the forehead in disbelief while shrugging his shoulders. He then rolled down his window down, poked his head out the window, looked at me and said "What's up with THIS guy?" to which I giggled and replied "No idea.". The weight bench and 40 ouncer carrying guy continued up the hill (over to Mission St I presume) and eventually the guy in the car passed him. It's days like this where I think to myself, "I do in fact live in San Francisco.".

My aunt Neah is in town this weekend with her grandson visiting San Francisco. He is the youngest of her grandchildern and when each of them graduated from high school, they get to go on the trip of their choice with her to any city they like in the US. The other kids picked Orlando, Nashville, DC, but Phillip wanted to go to San Francisco because he wanted to see what a "liberal" city was like. He's from middle-of-nowhere-conservative-small town-Wisconsin and apparently it's been quite the eye opening experience. Miss B and I met up with them at Chow last night for dinner and put our listening ears on because my oh my, Aunt Neah can talk! Heard all about her retirement parties (a very recent event), all the relatives long forgotten, her arthritic knee, and blah blah blah. You get the picture. It was so sweet of her to meet up with her, even with the inundation of conversation which really wasn't conversation at all, more listening. We did spend some time talking about how stupid Monkey Bush is (easy to do) and how opposite the rest of the Lohr clan feels about the knothead. They were also very sweet to Miss B and well, how couldn't you be?!?!? It was good to see her again and cousin Phillip whom I hadn't seen since he was a baby.

Miss B and I begin the "Meet the Families Tour" (sort of like when Guns and Roses went on the Appetite for Destruction tour minus the heroin, slutty chicks, and alcohol consumption) in the midwest. We fly out early early on Saturday morning (what were we thinking?!?!) and land in Chicago Saturday afternoon. From there we drive to Wisconsin first where mom has made it clear to my younger brother that she isn't comfortable with me being gay and bringing home a girl. I don't get it. I really don't. Not asking her to be comfortable or understand it at all. Just accept it but that doesn't seem to be happening. I have been "a gay" outwardly for almost 10 years now. And certainly was gay as all get out before that. Not sure what more it will take to show her that this will stick. Anyway, on the 15th we will board the ferry from Milwaukee to Muskegon and then drive to Chelsea, just outside of Ann Arbor. Miss B's family is much more broken into the "partner" thing and are actually excited about meeting me. Will report on this and more in posts to come! Viva la midwest.


Blogger j. ethan duran said...

p + b on the great family tour 2005! good luck and enjoy!!

7:39 PM


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