Whole lotta shaking going on
Been living in northern California since February 1996. Over the past almost 12 years, never once had I been present for an earthquake of any sort. Or more appropriately stated, I have never felt one. That all changed last night when one hit with a 5.6 on the rictor scale. Apparently the biggest one since the 1989 quake which shook everything to high heaven and messed a whole lot up.
Upon return from yoga, I was walking up our flight of stairs and the 3 cats we have did their usual routine of running to meet and greet. As I approached the top step all 3 looked and me and bailed. Two ran for the bedroom, one for the kitchen. 30 seconds later there was a rumbling sound, then the shaking of glassware and pictures on the wall. It felt initially as if a very large truck had just driven past. Then it kept going, much longer than when such a shake is caused by a vehicle passing by. I just stood there thinking "Is this an earthquake?", certainly not moving or knowing what else to do. Eventually it stopped and I walked through the rest of the house to find Little Green under the kitchen table and she didn't want to come out. Sammy and Zamie joined us and it was just strange. Looking out on the street from the window, there were several neighbors who had come out to check out the damage and commiserate with others as to what the heck just happened. Nothing major but it is indeed the first time I ever felt the tremors.
Miss B had just been to the library and was driving when the whole deal took place. The artist/neighbor across the street from us had a quick chat with her that it was the first time in her last 20 years in the neighborhood that she had actually felt something. Interesting huh? Reports state today that this could point to more severe activity in the months to come. Only time will tell on that one.
Meanwhile, our former landlord now co-owner David is busy storing water and food under the back staircase he had built a few years ago. He always says, if the big one hits, he wants to be standing on these steps. I may elect to go outside but since we are on solid bedrock, I'm thinking we will be okay! Let's hope so!