Life as seen through the eyes of a displaced cheesehead formerly living in San Francisco now taking on the Pacific Northwest! Put a bird on it!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

10 miles...and counting!

It's official, I have run 10 miles. All in a row, without stopping or hailing a cab to take me back to the starting line. Saturday morning Miss B and I awoke to hit up the Nike Training Club run for the half marathon coming up. It was a hilly jaunt starting at Crissy Field, up into the Presideo, down to the avenues, with the turn around point half way through Golden Gate Park. I must admit it was nice to do this lengthy trek with a group and with aid stations along the way with water and snacks available. The other long milelage treks B and I have gone out by ourselves and it's difficult to know when a water fountain will be around the next turn so dehydration happens people. But for the love of god, I ran 10 miles! Miss B always finishes a bit ahead of me (which I don't mind because that means I get to follow her and look at her ass, how could that NOT keep me going?!?!) but it works out just fine. My knees were really sore and tired but we did it and I still can't believe that I accomplished this without dying. To top it all off Miss B and I did the 5K Race for the Cure on Sunday. It was more like the Stampede for the Cure due to so many people being there. Amazing to see that kind of turn out for breast cancer awareness and fund raising. My time on the 5K wasn't too spectacular but seeing as my legs felt like two completely worn out rubber bands with no elasticity left, I'm trying not to be too hard on myself. The last mile actually felt good and I found my stride. But up until that point it hurt like the dickens. This week on Saturday we will do 11 miles. Week after that 12. Then we can taper off and I'm not running the race anyway so I will pretty much be done training, other than whatever else Miss B has to do to prepare. Feeling sort of torn about missing the sign up and not actually doing the full 13.1 miles with all this training. On one hand, I'm happy that I will be able to cheer Miss B on at the appropriate rest stops and run her in on the last two miles. On the other hand, I have done all this and now I won't actually know if I could do the 13.1 miles or not. Perhaps I will renegade race it. Who knows. There is still time to figure this all out.

After the run on Saturday we took a little disco nap and then headed to Mango. A nice turn out of ladies on a lovely sunny afternoon. It was dead at first due to the "Love Parade" and war protest but once these other two events were over the ladies showed up. As A put it, "What is it with lesbians and hip hop? Why do they like it so much?". It's beyond me. I do like the little salsa numbers the DJs throw in there but as for the hard core hippity hoppity, I don't get it. How often do you see lesbians cruising wid der bitches all gangsta rap style? Not so often. What it boils down to: hip hop is lost on me. Dancing was a bit difficult with the tight muscles and all but after Miss B had a few margaritas and me a couple of SOLs (ghetto version of Corona) it went a little easier. A nice day out.

Christmas plans have been made. Seeing as we couldn't find a decent price on anything coming or going after the holiday, Miss B and I will be in the midwest leaving here on the 16th and flying back Christmas day. The hope is that all the holiday travel madness will be avoided and it was be clusterfuck central as it has in Chicago attempting to do this in the past. I have not made the trek since 1999 wherein I got really sick and stuck in Chicago and vowed never to do it again. I must love this gal. She's got me going to the midwest in the winter for Pete's sake. Oi. We will go to Michigan first, Wisconsin second as this works out best for family schedules. What I am excited about is that we get the week between Christmas and New Year's off here at work so essentially this boils down to two weeks off with one week of free vacation days to hang out in the city and do whatever we want. Hooray. And I am also thinking that we won't have to go to the tundra for at least a few years after this trip. I'm down with that.

The Katrina fallout, lack of response to Rita, price of gas, conservative nominations to the court, and insane cats in our household are the things keeping me up at night. Ideally things would start to look a little better, with a little more hope. However the pending "investigations" and promises of witch hunts to exploit White House leaks and incompetency simply don't happen. There is an excuse for everything and more lies being told every day to cover up the already effed up United States we call home. It's disappointing. My fellow Americans, I'm disappointed in how ridiculous we have let this get. What are we gonna do?

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Enough is Enough

That's it. If this current Monkeybush hasn't messed things up enough already, this has to be the event which spurs the citizens of this country into action. Mind you several things have recently been sweeped under the rug and highly doubtful to resurface. What are they? One: Karl Rove. The monkey himself said he would fire anyone caught leaking information regarding that scandal and all signs pointed to Bush's brain, Karl Rove. There was a week where this was important and a scandal however that must have been just enough time for this closeted group of bufoons to bully the press and call off the dogs on the "proof of liability" to see who was the owner of the loose lips which sank that ship. Will this information ever be figured out or publicized? When hell freezes over. Two: The appointment of Roberts. This was supposed to be the smokescreen which kept the country at bay and to lay off the Karl Rove topic. It worked for a while. But now it's just a bunch of yammering about convenient cases he defended but isn't disclosing to the nation for approval. It's highly likely that this lying sack will end up on the highest court in the land and perhaps land the chief justice position. His good works for the Republican party will be banked upon and we are stuck with his whitebread face on the court for at least 25 years. (He's only 50.) This was an opportunity for monkeybush to show that he may have a brain and appoint either a person of color or a woman. But no, he merely picked the cleanest, whitest, easiest conservative to get approved and slapped him on the social plate for approval. Throw on top of that Rehnquist dying, and you might as well rename it "Supremely Conservative Justices" or something which more truly depicts the types on it. Three: The response (or lack thereof) to Katrina. The third world which exists within the United States has been magnified and literally running for their lives showing the world they have been there the whole time. Check out the photos or the articles. How many white people do you see? And in turn, how come it took so damn long to get help to them? It's clear now that money which was supposed to go towards FEMA has been dumped into the Homeland Security facade. How "safe" are we at home if we can't send relief to such a major disaster. Cash funding which was supposed to go to levy replacement and upgrades was filtered right into sending more troops to Iraq and pursuing the chase of Bin Laden. Think about the response to the attacks in DC and NYC on 9/11 and the prompt response. Mind you, it's not the same kind of disaster but it still shouldn't be the paralysis we see today in New Orleans. Perhaps it is these kinds of things which will get to the nation and light a fire under their ass to demand such questions be answered. What I do know is that this place is frightening and this administration has 3 years to go. Enough is enough people. It's time to get active and get answers!