Life as seen through the eyes of a displaced cheesehead formerly living in San Francisco now taking on the Pacific Northwest! Put a bird on it!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Wrap Up

First off, big shouts out to Misty and Ted on the rock and roll wedding of the century! It was a fantastic ceremony and every ounce of it screamed "This is SO M&T!". From the table assignments, to the chuck taylors, to the playlist, it all was just a wonder evening and a great way for them to start this next chapter in their lives together. Surrounded by such support and love, what more can you ask for really!

Miss B and I were fortunate enough to do a reading during the ceremony. It was "Somebody" by Depeche Mode. I recall being in college and writing out every word to memorize and sit in my room stoned off my gourd being all sad that I just wanted to find someone, just like the song said. So this took me way back. Miss B had a bad case of laryngitis but the minute she saw her name on the program, it was time to go practice the reading in the bathroom. She was going to sit this one out but that changed very quickly. We felt very honored to be asked to do something so special for two people we adore so much.

List of super fun things from the weekend:
  1. Asking Lisa J how her grandmother was to which she replied "Great now that she is on lithium!" and it's true!
  2. Ethan's dance off's with Ted's niece. They must have had at least 10. Those two can dance!
  3. The cupcake tree.
  4. The multi-religion infused ceremony with no religion at all.
  5. Jeff the appointed officiant. He brought it on ceremony day! It was clear he knows them so well and did all the right things to make it an extra special day.
  6. The playlist and dancing all night long--literally!
  7. Wearing a tuxedo. Thought it would be too butchy but it actually turned out to be a great idea! It was fun with tails and everything.
  8. The open bar.
  9. A's song about the army on the car ride home. If only the lyrics could be duplicated. No one seems to be able to put it together.
  10. Wedding at the Great American Music Hall--HELLO! How could that not be on the list?!

All the best to you two Misty and Ted!

That very same weekend we attended a yoga workshop with John Friend, the guy who developed the type of yoga we practice. It was on Saturday and Sunday, two-two hour sessions each day. Let's just say we were completely exhausted on Sunday but it was totally worth it! We were in the mixed level courses as we haven't quite mastered the art of the poses as other veteran yogis. But what was really clear is that it really isn't about mastering at all. It's about being in the moment and living where you are, when you are there. John's dharma talks each day before the sessions began were heartfelt and prolific without being too shambala and culty. And let me tell ya, there were some folks there who were drinking the kool aide full force. But really he's just a regular guy who knows a lot about what yoga can do for you. One of the best moments was getting up the guts to do a drop back. He demonstrated with the biggest guy in the room and two of the smallest girls who totally held this dude up. Once I saw that, I was in! It was extremely liberating and can't wait to try it again. It most certainly took my practice in a new direction and can't wait to learn more! We were so sleepy from all the activity of the weekend we both took Tuesday off to catch up. I thought I could power through but that simply wasn't happening. I was exhausted beyond belief. Yikes.

Last Friday night the Bear in Training and I went to see The Jesus and Mary Chain. As stated in the post below, I never thought this was going to happen. The next thing you know, I was zipping around the interwebs and saw they were going to be here! I immediately called TBIT and tickets were ordered! They played everything and then some. Started off a little slow but rocked it all the way through. So so good! Even picked myself up a new t-shirt which was then worn all weekend long. Would see them again in a minute. Jim and William have still got it! My favorites were from Honey's Dead, best album of the century in my book. I wanna die just like Jesus Christ. I wanna die on a bed of spikes.


Blogger j. ethan duran said...

YODA!! i love yoda.
you totally rocked the tux. like, for sure.

4:21 PM


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