Fancy pants was the theme for this weekend. Mistycans had a cocktails and cupcakes birthday party which required us to dress up. As most of you know, (all 2 people who read this thing) dressing up is not something I like to do. I blame it on years of being forced into nylons and horrible fat girl clothing from JCPenny and Sears to attend church. One must be in their Sunday best. Reason number 863 as to why Christianity, Jesus, and macaroni art for the church just didn't work out on my list of things to do as an adult. Fancy clothing has always represented being uncomfortable and feeling like a football player in a ballerina outfit. Even now as an adult I have a hard time finding things which fit and are fashionable. Or what I think is fashionable. The whole thing = unbearable. However, I pulled it together and got fancy, just for Misty. Essentially it was a throwing together of all my past Procrastinator's New Year's Eve party outfits which is rather ironic seeing as that is the same party Misty throws every year. So I got fancy with fishnets and a skirt. There is photo documentation of the event as well. What was nice is that Miss B got a new dress and she looked H-O-T hot! How in the world did I get so lucky? The dress was found at her new fancy clothing store called Weston Wear. My goodness she is cute! Anyway, back on topic, fancy. There were fancy cupcakes, drinks, kittens, friends, and pretty much everything you can imagine. Happy Birthday Misty! 38 will be the rocking-est year yet!
Friday night I did get to meet up with my long lost pal JEthan. Well he wasn't so lost but he was in a land far, far away, the land of the morning calm. It's been great to hear him tell Ethan Teacher stories and of all his traveling adventures. I can certainly tell the three years away have caused him to grow in ways he never could have here. It was the best thing for him and it is great to have him back. It's amazing what living outside of our little bubble of San Francisco can do for you. There's a big huge world out there, no reason not to get out and see it! What a wonderful opportunity for JEthan! So glad to have you back here JEthan and can't wait to hear more about it! We went to Zeitgeist which is always interesting. The crowd is generally tattooed, beer drinking, and bikers with pretty much everything else mixed up in there. I had myself a Stella or two and it was yummy. Eventually went out for burritos and called it a night. Fun.
Sunday was a day of lots of work and a 5 mile run. We went to Golden Gate Park this week and it was lovely. We even shaved off a little time on our usual run and neither of us felt as though we were running that much faster. I have no idea how that happened. There was Opera in the Park that morning too and it drew quite the crowd. All the way from Hippie Hill to the new playground, it was covered with event attenders. A large spread. We could hear the singers from way out too. Not every day you get opera in the park, right?!?! I want to go watch it next year. Somehow need to pay more attention to the free park events.
I did try a new medicine shop this week. Of the three which I have been a consumer at, this one is right in the middle. The list with ratings go like this:
- Vapor Room = 5 of 5 stars. Excellent customer service. Great selection of goods. Easy in, easy out. Friendly guys working the door. Can stay and sample if needed. Not a bad product in the place. Can buy in any increment, $5 and up!
- Mr. Nice Guy = 3 of 5 stars. Odd set up. Dispensary attendant behind bullet proof glass. Had to perform transactions in a strange way. Was not allowed to see the merchandise until you purchased it. Pricing was decent but not as liberal as the Vapor Room. The merch is tasty and works well.
- Bernal Heights Dispensary = 1 of 5 stars. Nice guys working there. Do have a room in the back to try stuff out but it's janky and gross. Not well kept. Very fixed pricing. Staff not so knowledgeable as to what's in stock and what's good. I was in a rush and purchased some not so hot-so stuff.
Next on the list to check out = The Love Shack as suggested by the Bear in Training. Report to follow! Three spliffs up.
Speaking of spliffs, I am just about finished with the Bob Marely biography, Catch a Fire. It's good. I have learned so much more about him and love his music even more than I ever thought possible! After reading this I get what he was trying to say, his social justice message. Never knew much about Jamaica and found out so many things that once again make me shake my head finding out where the U.S. government has their fingers and they simply shouldn't. Bob Marley was so much more than a Rastafarian. He was a civil rights and social justice icon. And no, it isn't because I have been smoking the good weed telling me so.... I have also purchased two new CD's. One of his stuff all mixed up that I got off of KCRW and another one called "Gold" which has most everything you can imagine on it. Both rock my world. I will need to stop playing them in the car though because Miss B has grown a bit tired of it. Don't blame her, I can over do it sometimes!
You're always fancy in my book young lady!
Great seeing you guys on Saturday.
4:44 PM
fancy P is fun! Thanks for coming - it was super fantastic. Hi, jesus cupcake wallet.
6:25 PM
how u managed to do anything on sunday is beyond me. kudos. now if only they made geranimals for adults shopping would be sooo easy.
4:04 PM
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