Life as seen through the eyes of a displaced cheesehead formerly living in San Francisco now taking on the Pacific Northwest! Put a bird on it!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Mr. President...

Please eff off for the following statements:

On Osama bin Laden:

  • "I don't really spend much time on him anymore." And why would that be? Planes into buildings seem to be the reason for the war our American troops are now stuck in thanks to you however you spend no time on him. What it signifies? Your inability to connect the dots and truly understand what's going on in the world. This is not a war to save your father's name nor one to protect the goldmine of oil in Iraq. Stop mixing up your facts. Call it what it is, and what it is not, a war on terror. Good luck stopping that.
  • A young man at a press conference in Kansas yesterday asked a jovial enough question and it went something like this: "Here in Kansas we have a lot of ranchers. You are a rancher. Have you seen the movie Brokeback Mountain?". Monkey response = "No I did not. Next question please." You are such the ultimate homophobe that questions regarding a G-A-Y gay western cannot be answered. Were you fearing lightening bolts from the sky should you even utter the name of the film? Too afraid to see a scene with boy on boy butt sex in a dark tent on the beautiful mountain side? My god man, enough with your holy roller self. Go see the Oscar contender and learn a little bit. For once, make yourself a little uncomfortable.
  • "I know what's best for America and it's people. Approve Alito because I know him." That's reason enough for hour upon hour of questioning this right winged could change the face of the legal system and it's rulings in 10 years or less man. You also said the same thing about Harriet Myers and look how that worked out.
  • "The media needs to refrain from using the terms domestic spying program and call it what it is, a terrorist spying program." Spying is spying you lunkhead. And please tell me why there are 80,000 people on the list for observation. If there are 80,000 suspected terrorists in the United States, perhaps you should be working on other investigatory methods rather than hanging out listening to what people are saying about you and your inept administration.

There's a whole lot more I could say but I'm getting pissy just thinking about it. Can someone please start the impeachment hearings? PLEASE?


Blogger Misty L said...

here here!!

hahah - you called him a "lunkhead"

8:32 AM


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