Life as seen through the eyes of a displaced cheesehead formerly living in San Francisco now taking on the Pacific Northwest! Put a bird on it!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I Have an Ass Grabbing Problem

Miss B and I have been dating for a year and some change. (5 months to be exact) Since meeting her I have truly developed an ass grabbing problem. It's more than likely because it's something I do routinely 15 times per day. Come on, she's got a great ass! So pinchable and cute. It's a natural reaction to be walking around Trader Joe's and reach over just to slap her bum. I'm sure in several feminist circles this would not be acceptable nor appreciated however she's gotten so used to it that things such as this don't phase her. Not one bit. In fact, she's developed the same problem. Placing things into the dishwasher and the next thing I know, whap, a slap on the ass. Cooking dinner on the stove always warrants a grab. You get the picture.

Just this weekend it was made apparent just how addicted to the ass grab I have become. Misty and Ted were getting ready to leave the brunch we hosted the other day and bagel Ted thought to snap a picture. So I put my arm around Misty to pose and wouldn't you know, my hand ended up on her butt. And then it happened, the grab. In a very calm manner while posing for the snap Misty didn't miss a beat stating "You realize you are grabbing my ass, right?" to which I shuddered in horror at the thought and then found my hand on the cheek of one of my best friends. It's just wrong. W-R-O-N-G wrong! The kicker was when Heather who was also in the picture said "I don't know why I'm blushing about this!". Great. It's official, I have grabbed Misty's ass and feel ashamed. Lucky, but ashamed.

The brunch went off without a hitch. We roped in quite the crowd as well. The quiches were a hit and of course Miss B's kuchen was the best thing ever. There was so much leftover champagne that another brunch is in order to finish it off. It was suggested that we host a potluck Superbowl party where items to be prepared would come from various church cookbooks. This all started when folks spied the one from St. John's Lutheran Church in Prairie du Sac Wisconsin a while back at Fresh Jesus Five. Casseroles for all! With a mimosa on the side. Looking forward to seeing you at the next brunch. And I promise not to grab your ass. Unless you want me to of course!


Blogger j. ethan duran said...

thats just like the time you invited me over for thanksgiving. you stuff me with delicious bird and stuffing. when i woke up from my turkey nap you had BOTH hands on my ass. you are a grabby goose. i did like it though.

6:59 PM

Blogger dac said...

hmmmm. this grab ass thing isnt really new. you've always grabbed ass. even my ass. and i've always more often than not, have grabbed your ass. especially at the eagle. ass grabbing is great.

7:38 PM

Blogger Prattlepants said...

what a wonderful habit you have developed there pevil... perhaps next time i will wear my assless chaps!

9:34 PM

Blogger Amy said...

Maybe you could get some help from Barb Cook on this matter...the mistress of ass grabbing herself!

7:08 AM


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