Life as seen through the eyes of a displaced cheesehead formerly living in San Francisco now taking on the Pacific Northwest! Put a bird on it!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

PRIME indeed!

On Sunday, January 8th I turned the grand age of 37. Not quite mid-thirties anymore but haven't reached the society and commercially labeled "over the hill" number of 40 either. So I came up with my own little tag for 37, it's going to be PRIME! Funny seeing as math and prime numbers really never has been a strength, I figured this all out on my own. If the rest of the year is like this weekend's events, a prime year indeed it will be.

Friday night was an evening out at the Liberty Cafe. The big boss at the jelly doughnut factory hooked Miss B and I up with a gift certificate a while ago and it was put to good use. The year and 7 months we have been dating, never a bottle of wine was shared. Well that changed on Friday. We got one to go with the meal and it was a good choice although I think the split was more Miss B, 2/3's of a bottle, me left with 1/3. Needless to say she had a bit of a headache on Saturday morning but it complimented the meal well and was a lot of fun. What makes that place so yummy is their ability to take whatever is in season and make it yummy as well as offer up excellent vegetarian dishes. I fell off the wagon that night and went with a pork stew over polenta. Miss B had some sort of fish with roasted vegetables. Tasty!

Saturday began with me milling around the house while Miss B worked the door at yoga. The center has this work exchange program where free classes are earned for every class she checks people into, having people sign forms, taking cash, etc. I eventually went to yoga myself and class was packed! It could almost be considered a self imposed bikram class with all the heat! After getting our dharma on, we went to the cafe for a quick snack and then biked home. Birthday celebrating began at 4pm at Zeitgeist. Despite the rain it was still in good shape for celebrating and having beers with friends. Mistycans, the Bear in training and his cubby, A, a co-worker and her special man friend, Hezcatt, and several others joined around to ring in this prime year. Zeitgeist has this wonderful feature of serving beer in pickle jars. It's two beers in one for a cheaper price and less time spent standing in line going back for more. Enjoying a few of those and a burger meant for a great night out. Oh, and did I mention receiving a catapult (literally flings plastic cat figurines!) and Jesus tape, among other fabulous gifts. I can't wait to mail something with Jesus tape on it. Who will be the lucky one to receive that? The night was closed out by the fire pit at The Eagle because it just wouldn't be a birthday without a stop there. It was the typical type of crowd and one beer and we were out. F-U-N fun and thanks to all for taking time out to celebrate. THANK YOU!

Sunday morning Miss B showered me with gifts (including penguin boxer shorts, it was a penguin kind of birthday!) and then took me on a surprise trek to the Academy of Sciences Aquarium downtime. We got there just in time to see the penguins getting fed! How cute are they?!?!? VERY! Plus there are millions of exotic fish in huge tanks that we got to walk around and look at and pretend to be swimming alongside. She then proceeded to take us out for lunch and then the film Munich. The feel good movie of the year it is not. I'm not much for watching people's heads blow up, blood, guts, and the like. However, it was very well done and would encourage others to see it. It didn't seem like a 3 hour film. Intriguing to say the least. The evening was completed with homemade chocolate cake and milk. Who can say no to that? Not me that's for sure!

Resolutions for the PRIME year are as follows:
  • Making the most of things chosen to do for relaxation and health. No approaching things in a "half assed" manner. If I am going to take the time, do it with conviction and passion.
  • Stay present. Avoid consumption of trying to control things which I cannot.
  • Do more activities which motivate and stimulate the creative side of my brain.
  • Eat more chocolate cake and not feel bad about it.

Here's to turning 37 and loving it! Thanks again to all for making it so special and fun!


Blogger j. ethan duran said...

wish i could have been there to help you celebrate. you know i can't say no to pint-sized vodka tonics! enjoy your prime year. miss you!

6:12 PM


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