Life as seen through the eyes of a displaced cheesehead formerly living in San Francisco now taking on the Pacific Northwest! Put a bird on it!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Birthday Fun

All I gotta say is Miss B and my friends sure do know how to treat a person right! It was a glorious birthday and it meant so much that folks made the trek over to the Wildside West just to hang out for an evening of cupcakes and beverages. Miss B was going to make vegan cupcakes but thought to say no to that as she felt it was simply TOO lesbian. She did make homemade Martha Stewart ones with sour cream in them and my oh my they were heavenly!

We started out the evening with a surprise dinner at RANGE on 19th/Mission. One of the chef's from Del Fina left to start her own place and this is it. Super yum. Plus a great bottle of wine. Scrumptious. I want to go again. Not better than Del Fina but I would give it 5 forks out of 5. We then ventured over to the Lesbington to sober up a bit so Miss B could drive home. I know, going to a bar to sober up, what? But it worked. The place was dead and we were invisible. They still have the Theater of Magic pinball machine which is excellent. It's no Attack from Mars but it will do. Eventually we did make it to the Wildside where a gather of folks came to celebrate year 39. HBR, Mistycans and her Bagel, Bear 1&2, JEthan, Kate, and a slew of others turned out and it was greatly appreciated! They all brought amazingly perfect gifts too which thank you all for that! Seriously, I have the best friends ever. YAY! Thank you everyone!

This weekend the Packers are in the playoffs against the NY Giants. Can't wait! It was a great game last weekend and I am so happy to be able to watch the game. (We don't have cable.) It's on Sunday and with any luck, they will wind up in the Superbowl. Last year we went to Mistycans to watch the event as the Bears were in it. Rather unmonumental. But if the Packers play, we might have to do something for that!

We are also helping out at the yoga journal conference. I have no idea what we are in store to see. Probably lots of shambala and serious yogi-ness. Anything which takes it too far is just annoying to me. So we may see some of that. Then Monday is MLK day and no work in rememberance of the man who had a dream. Thanks for that MLK.


Blogger j. ethan duran said...

it was good times at the wildside west. although i think i ate way too many cupcakes.

8:47 PM

Blogger Misty L said...

none of us slept well that night because of the serious sugar overload from eating those delicious cupcakes. I need the recipe, by the way :-).

weird - I JUST sent you an email about the superbowl...because we love sports.

11:57 AM

Blogger Kate said...

She's right, i couldn't sleep but it was worth every delicious, chocolaty bite! It was fun celebrating you and your beautiful self.

12:17 AM


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