Life as seen through the eyes of a displaced cheesehead formerly living in San Francisco now taking on the Pacific Northwest! Put a bird on it!

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Time to Move!

It's official--we got the flat at 327 Highland! Hooray! The hugemongous place is ours as of 2/15. Miss B and I will sign paperwork on Saturday, get keys, and there ya have it, co-habitation. It is amazing to me how much moving actually costs. Between the security deposit, pet deposit, first month's rent, and all the other "hidden costs" of taking up a new residence, I have a sneaking suspicion we will be here for a very long time. Now it's time to start collecting boxes for packing, changes of address, and the cumbersome details. Finding the place was actually the easy part. Whew. No more Crazy Baked Bean Lady or Crumudion Martion to annoy or receive nasty notes from. Oh shoot.

I have been conversing with Sammy to inform him that we are in fact moving in with two other girl cats and Becky. Not sure exactly what it is that I think is going to be accomplished by this and if anything it's probably to make myself feel better. He will have no problem adjusting to Becky. They became fast friends although for the longest time whenever we would kiss and not pay attention to him, meowing rejectedly was heard by all. Sammy's over that now and when Miss B is here he takes to her a bit more than me. Especially when it comes to begging for food from the table. Apparently she's the easier one of the two parents. As for Little Green and Zomie, (Miss B's cats), it's hard to say how that will go. Advice from friends has been BOY + GIRL + GIRL = OK. We shall find out...

Last year at the Procrastinator's New Year's Eve Party (best party ever year because it RULES!) my pal A gave me a new hair style for the evening because I went as a "girl". Mini skirt, fishnets, the whole nine yards. With this also came a long term plan for my hair to move away from the constant buzz cut. I go for several months now between haircuts and as it gets longer, it also goes UP with the aide of lots of product. This appears to be a hot topic at work. Yesterday was transition day where it's the first day of the UP style. Our new associate director asked if I stuck my finger in a light socket. Nice. A bit later on the manufacturing plant director said "My oh my, you changed your hair!". He also commented a while ago when it was long on a Friday and buzzed on a Monday. Another Associate Director stated it looks like the villain from The Incredibles. Who knew my hair could be such a company wide phenomena and point of interest. Gives them something to talk about I suppose. I like it either way and it's fun to work through the different stages as the months pass. Thanks for the tip and style A! You rule!

Tomorrow it's time for a trip to the dentist. A dreaded event. Although it's merely a cleaning, it's still an unfavorable event due to scars left from childhood. Mom took us to an old school dentist who didn't much believe in pain medicine and used a big huge purple drill. Ick. Do you think I could work in some laughing gas for this? Highly doubtful. Did have them hooking me up with valium prior but can't seem to score it anymore. Oh well, sober dentistry is probably best.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats on the getting the place. i'm sure you two will be quite happy. i can't wait to see in person. that is whenever i return from the 'land of morning calm."

3:57 AM


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