Life as seen through the eyes of a displaced cheesehead formerly living in San Francisco now taking on the Pacific Northwest! Put a bird on it!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Spring is here!

A few weeks ago Miss B and I went to see a Giants vs. A's game at AT&T park. The Giants lost 9-0 but it was great to be at the ballpark again and see a real live game. The Giants are off to a great start and I am hoping for a fantastic year. I have been listening to games on the radio when I make dinner (can't get it online unless you PAY!) and Kate gave me this crank radio which works perfectly. As of today, the Giants are 8-4 and tied with the other three teams in the top of the other 3 divisions. However, baseball season is LONG and there are many many more games left so with any luck (or skill) this will be maintained. Thus far the pitching is decent and fielding even better than that. It's the batting and leaving men on base which is not serving them well. We shall see.

This past weekend Miss B and I had our first camping trip of the year. We went to Bothe State Park in Napa. Ideal because we went hiking and then wine tasting, two of our favorite things. We did a hike at Robert Louis Stevenson State Park which was essentially two miles into a valley and two miles straight back up. We were going to do an 8 miler but a ways in we decided against it. B's knee started to hurt and I was afraid of shooting my wad on my healing foot so ended earlier than expected and got two wineries in before nightfall! Over the weekend we went to several different new places and all I have to say is wine tasting in Napa is far different than in Sonoma. Pricey, pretentious, and Cabernet filled. It was a nice experience but will be visiting Sonoma over Napa any old day. Pictures of camping to follow, just have to get them uploaded!

Tomorrow is Miss B's birthday! Hooray! Dinner out on Friday night at Quince to celebrate followed by a wine and cheese party Saturday night. Fancy, yes! Be sure to wish her a happy day.

Oh, and it's 4:20 by the way. Usually I head over to hippy hill to celebrate but not this year. Am trapped at work until 10pm. The hippies will have to take care of it for me!


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