Life as seen through the eyes of a displaced cheesehead formerly living in San Francisco now taking on the Pacific Northwest! Put a bird on it!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I'm 40 now. How about that.

The earth didn't stop revolving. I did not win a million dollars on my actual birthday. I didn't wake up with aches and pains that I didn't have in my 30's. I've still got to wake up every day, go to work, and pay the bills. So for those of you who haven't turned 40 yet, it's no big deal. In fact, it's really pretty okay. And I am a whole week in so I can say that.

Thank you to all for the birthday calls, cards, texts, emails, songs (Hot Bottom Rob's was THE BEST!), and what have you on my birthday. You all make me feel special and loved. What more could anyone want? Not much! With people like you in my life I may live to be very very old because you make me so happy. Thanks everyone!

On my actual birthday we went to birthday yoga and then out for birthday burritos. Miss B told the teacher of the yoga class it was my special day and they all sang happy birthday! I was super embarrassed but it was very thoughtful. On Friday night we went out for Indian food at the Indian oven. It was super good. I only wish I knew more about what to order. We did get the nan right and man was it good! It was all good and I really liked it. Miss B, well she's not really sold on it....yet! Saturday we went out for Thai food and then birthday desserts at Sweet Inspirations with A and her investigator. So much fun and so yummy!

Thanks again everyone! And who can't wait for the big 40 celebration at the Russian River? Me, that's who! Hooray, I'm 40!

P.S. If any of you caught the News Hour on PBS the other night when the Toad (Vice President Cheney), it really summed up the Bush administration's lack of accountability and delusional attitude towards the damage that they have done. I suggest checking it out unless you have high blood pressure because it will drive you MAD!


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