Life as seen through the eyes of a displaced cheesehead formerly living in San Francisco now taking on the Pacific Northwest! Put a bird on it!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The good, the bad, and the ugly

The good! Yep, that's pretty much how I feel about it. It's over. And in that order. The United States of America has spoken. Loud and clear. It was an exceptional evening overall, and I need to remain positive when it comes to all the good which came from a hell of a campaign. All the polling and worrying was put to bed when Miss B and I heard "LANDSLIDE" uttered from the lips of the NPR broadcasters on the way over to the ladies of the freeway home in the Mission. It was a moment I will never forget and the emotions behind it are still making me get a little choked up right now. So powerful and heartfelt. I feel like we just voted America back. We retrieved our soul! In case you haven't figured it out, the good part of the evening is that Barack Obama is now going to be the 44th President of the United States. President Obama, say it loud, say it proud!
The bad is the fact that people actually said YES TO PROP 8. How in the world can this happen and in the state of California in the year 2008? What in the world are people thinking? The scare tactics and dirty dirty politics pulled by this campaign are so disgusting, I can't stand it. My heart was crushed seeing the numbers come in and rights shot down, once again. Many of our friends have been married now MULTIPLE times to only have their rights revoked again and again. I know I will see the right for gays to marry in my lifetime. And I thought that time had arrived however I was wrong. The central valley and southern part of this state ruined it for everyone and now it's got to go back to legislation, once again. Everyone keeps talking about the strides we have made, progress, look at where we were at 10 years ago, blah blah blah. But this just doesn't feel good and that isn't because I am one big homo. It's because this is an issue of being treated differently because of how I am and that just feels wrong. El wrong-o. Super wrong. W-R-O-N-G wrong. Apparently, because I am gay, I will tell all your children about the dirty things we homosexuals do and that two women or two men being married is considered "normal". Can you believe it? It's normal! And I will also want them to learn about it in school and be responsible for the moral decay of society. Yep, I have the power to do that, just by being gay. Let me put on my big gay cape and go bring the world to it's knees. I'll be right back. Because according to the Yes on 8 people, it will only take a short amount of time because I am so gay and so powerful. Oh, and god doesn't love me. Don't forget that I will also ruin marriage. Sure will. Just like we gays have ruined everything else.
But what I will take from this is that this set back will only make us stronger. We will come out fighting even harder next time. And you Yes on 8 people won't win. Because the rest of the world will get it. Marriage is for everyone. It doesn't involve goats or chickens because the last I checked, they can't really consent to getting married. But I can, and will, marry the person I love (and already did!) even if you don't think it's okay. Just you wait. It's coming. We just have to persevere and fight the good fight. Because it is the right thing to do.
The ugly. That's easy. We don't have to look at these two anymore on a frequent basis. They will still be around, sure. However, much less. And hopefully not for long. The maverick did give a very good concession speech. And I do believe he meant it. I'm just glad they will be out of the limelight and it's time for them to go home. You go home Miss Palin. And get ready for the Republicans to blame everything on you. That's why they picked you! Easy target.
Congratulations America. You got your country back.
Boo-hiss for the gay community. We got it all taken away. For now.
And as for the ugly, well, they still have that!


Blogger redgrackle said...

gay cape... ha. thx for that.

8:27 PM


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